Saturday, December 27, 2014

FREEDOM and soup?

FREEDOM! As Mel Gibson rides off on his stallion into the battle I am thankful for that yell of victory and the movie! So classic!

 I love freedom... freedom of the press, freedom of speech and freedom from sin, hell and death. I am thankful for the soldiers who have, are and will fight so that I, as an American will continue to be free. I am more thankful for Christ for dying so that I could know what freedom truly is. We don't have to fight for that freedom... just receive it.
Haiti fought long and hard to find their freedom from slavery back before 1804. Slavery was forced onto every Indian who existed here before Christopher Columbus discovered the land and every black person who survived the slave trade and made it over on a boat. Haiti had many freedom fighters who stood up to take control and they gained VICTORY on January 1, 1804 and became the FIRST black republic to have Independence! Dessalines, who had commanded the black and the mulatto forces during the final phase of the revolution, became the new country's leader and led them into the final victory. This isn't a history lesson though, this is a present and future lesson!
Before receiving their freedom slaves were not allowed to eat soup! Can you imagine our leaders saying we couldn't eat pizza or chick-fil-a? Well Pumpkin soup (Soup Joumou) was a "rich man's" food so when they defeated their enemies every man, woman and child feasted on pumpkin soup to show that all men are created equal and that freedom is theirs. 
For our 2nd year in a row a family of friends and supporters of EHM sponsored a Christmas dinner for the average 140 people that we serve in Montrouis, and what better way to celebrate than with pumpkin soup! We stop and thank the warriors who fought all the wars and battles in the 1700s for giving Haitians their freedom but we get to celebrate and reflect on Christmas that Christ gave us true freedom in Him because of His blood.  Please take a look at the pictures and just take a moment where you are to thank God for your freedom and pray for the people all over the world who are not free; Sex slaves, children slaves, slaves to sin, slaves in their marriage, slaves in their own homes and slaves to their own selves.
 "From Jesus Christ- the faithful witness, the first born from among the dead, the ruler over the kings of the earth. To the one who loves us and has set us free from our sins at the cost of his own blood and has appointed us as a kingdom, as priests serving his God and Father- to him be the glory and the power for ever and ever! Amen"
 Revelation 1:5

John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Big & Beautiful (Wedding 9/14/14)

Eph 5:31

Sept 14th was the big day they had all been waiting for. When we found out that Pastor Pamela Sparks was coming back to Haiti we asked her if she would marry the couples who had been desiring to honor God in their family.

Many of these couples had been together for years such as Jeda (pictured left) and her husband Emmanuel who are going on their 30th anniversary and Pierre & Marlen (pictured kissing!) our ministry manager who have been together 19 years.

Getting married in Haiti is a BIG deal which keeps a lot of people from actually going through with the BIG day. It requires a lot of money, you can't just do a simple & beautiful ceremony. Dancing girls, an arch way made up of your friends holding flowers, the dresses are big, the flowers are big and the reception is big! :-) But its culture and is the BIG day you marry your best friend.

 Community Church, Chesapeake VA. sent EHM a team in September loaded with dresses, veils, rings, flowers, sandals, and covered all the expenses to get these couples legally married. Paper work, blood work, tests, and more paper work was required months in advance and we are so grateful to have a supporting church who wanted to see God honored in FAMILY just as much as we did. (Make sure you read the other blogs from the Thrive team's trip!)

The church had to take down a wall because the guest list was so large, the community surrounding the church was packed outside looking in, amazed that there were 6 couples getting married that day together.

The wedding began at 3:30 with the dancing flower girls, friends formed the arch way, each couple walked in with their god parents (best man & maid of honor), took their assigned seats and then Pastor Molues shared how God took the rib from Adam. He did not take the finger so he could press her down and not the foot so he could step all over her... but the rib so they could be side by side. Something I have never seen before is the excitement from the crowd like that day. People were standing up, getting in the middle of the bridal party to take pictures and videos. Many people were cat calling and hooting for couples as the Pastor called their names. It was amazing.

They exchanged vows and then as they exchanged rings Pastor Pamela prayed a specific beautiful prayer over each couple and their marriage.
 The ladies looked like princess and the men were glowing with pride as each person said "I DO" and made a covenant before God.

Pierre sneaking a kiss EARLY from his bride
The receptions were held after the wedding at each person's house so that friends and family were able to spend time praising God for what He is doing in the community of Montrouis and the lives of His children. 

So a special thank you for everyone who donated money, veils, dresses, rings, made flowers and prayed for these families. The ceremony was BIG & beautiful and the examples these families are to the rest of the community and to their children is too. :-)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Team Thrive Part 1. Freedom x2

 True Freedom x2. 

"Team Thrive" was their name and praying was their game!

Community Church sent another wonderful team to visit us this September and we had a week packed of adventures for them. Homeless ministry, VBS in Gonaives, VBS in Montrouis, Prison and a Wedding marrying off 6 couples from our ministry.

 In the middle of their trip we took the Sunday morning and did the church service in the St Marc Prison for over 500 inmates, partnered with our friends at YWAM. Fritznel and I have been going for about 4 months and believe it is where God has called us to fulfill part of our ministry but by encouraging the leadership team at YWAM and just serving them in any way that we can.

 We begin with worship and then we sorted and prepared toiletries for all the inmates including soap, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, body wash, shampoos and conditioner. Prison in Haiti is difficult to say the least. As you can see in many of these pictures, most rooms are probably the size of your sun room, children's bed room or walk in closet. That's the honest truth and I don't think they should have studio apartments but
 what you'd be surprised to know is that MOST rooms (all but 5) have 24-31 men inside. Some have been blessed with a fan but there are no windows  on the outside walls and the only source of air flow is through the barred door.

Each member of the team introduced themselves after worship and then Fritznel translated for Pastor Pam Sparks. There were Hallelujahs and Amens coming from every cell and they were eagerly awaiting for the team to come visit each cell for prayer. The team showed great strength and agape love as they poured their laughter, joy and prayer into every room. We passed out the toiletries and were thanked so we pass that onto everyone who helped prepare, collect and prayed over these items!

During prayer time, Glory be to God, 8 men accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Amen right!!!? Freedom #1!

The next day, thanks to a small group at Community Church who raised money for the prison ministry~ 8 prisoners who were unable to pay their "exit fee" were RELEASED!! Some of the fees were $12!


Freedom came to the Prison of St. Marc, Haiti because of God's faithful children who could only do anything because they experienced the same freedom first.

 A very big special thank you to Community Church for sending these faithful prayer warriors to visit us and serve the country of Haiti. We were so blessed!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

I Want To Starve

Taste and see that the Lord is good! How blessed is the one who takes shelter in him! -Psalms 34:8
We started going to Gonaives 5 weeks ago to minister to the people in the park that we knew were sleeping there and living by begging in front of the Catholic church located next door. At night time we go and play a Frisbee game to draw attention and be able to meet new people and see who is setting up for their night at "home". On the 1st night I met 4 young men (18-25 y/o) who wanted to talk and just be fresh boys... They were smoking and drinking so I gave them the "mommy finger" and reprimanded them for their bad habits. They loved that and I invited them over to play the game and meet the rest of our group. Stephen, Petterson, Janti (which means "nice") and Sexy (When I asked him his name he said "Sexy Boy", I laughed and asked what his mama called him which is "Diligen" but everyone knows him by Sexy b/c he is so skinny) are going to be world changers- these young men instantly looked up to Fritznel, respected him and Have been starving for direction and leadership. 
Week after week the ONLY thing Stephen & Sexy have ever asked us for has been Bibles. The don't ask for jobs, food, money or water which are all NEEDS for these guys who live by the skin of their teeth... They have only asked for Bibles which is what leads me to this blog... Why am I not STARVING?? I want to be more like them!
So he humbled you by making you hungry and then feeding you with unfamiliar manna. He did this to teach you that humankind cannot live by bread alone, but also by everything that comes from the 
Lord 's mouth. -Deuteronomy 8:3
I NEED THAT!! I want to get to the place in my life where when I have nothing, ALL I want/need is the Word. When I have all i want... I want the Word MORE! I know the "unfamiliar manna" of what the world has to offer as satisfaction and I know the Bread of Life and yet I choose to satisfy my flesh so often. Why do I want to check emails before I want to be in the Word with my Daddy and Creator of the Universe?!
Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. The one who comes to me will never go hungry, and the one who believes in me will never be thirsty. -John 6:35
This past week I came with Bibles for Stephen and Sexy & surprised Sexy the fist morning as we were leaving the feeding program. He squealed! He jumped! He showed it off! I don't believe this young man has accepted Christ yet and I know he is not living his life surrendered to the Lord but I do now he is STARVING. He is starving for truth, love and purpose. It was shocking to me to see how he reacted to a book that was full of ways that contradicted with his present life. He later told us that people were offering to buy it from him for $100 Haitian dollars which Is more than you would pay for a Bible in the market. He wouldn't give it up and said that that day he read in Isaiah and read about pride. :) I directed him to John and challenged him to learn of the man Jesus. 
The last morning Stephen finally came and was so jealous about Sexy's Bible. As we got in the car I handed him the Word of God through the window and he jumped up and down, hugged it and even kissed it. Someone mentioned taking it from him so I gave I'm a pen to write his name in it & I've never seen someone so determined to claim a book as their own. He mentioned that he could now go to church and learn it himself, and he was so appreciative of the LIVING Word that is going to change his entire life. A woman came to the car door and asked if I had another one and that when I returned "if God desired", I could bring her one as well. I had never seen her nor do I know if I will again but she was bold and starving enough to ask. 
Are you hungry? How hungry? Are you starving? 
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, -Matthew 25:35
We give out 330 pounds of rice a week, serving 3,250+ meals a month and it doesn't mean a thing if they die the next day and don't know of the Savior Jesus Christ. 
We went to minister to the least of these and yet I have been ministered to by them. 
Please be in prayer for us as a family and our leaders. We want to give the real food out and be bold in proclaiming the coming of the Messiah. I pray for you and the mission field the Lord has called you to. Be bold and find the starving people in your life.
To support our mission and help feed the people physical or Spiritual food please donate to PayPal at 
Learn more about Empowering Haitian Moms at our new website

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

CHOSEN '14-'15

Here they are! The next generation of CHOSEN CHILDREN!! $300 blesses your CHOSEN CHILD with a year of tuition at Bon Berger Christian Academy, books, exams, shoes and handmade custom fit uniform which are needed to attend school in Haiti. We are so excited to see this generation rise up and be educated~ they will change Haiti one mind at a time. We also receive donation drives for school supplies all year long so if you would like information and our list of needs please let us know! You can send a back pack for your child separately if you would like to! Please join with us and send your tax deductible donation to Paypal @ or mail your check to EHM P.O. Box 4142 Chesterfield, MO. 63006. You can make payments as you need or pay in full as long as its all completed by Aug 15th.You will get updates all year long with pictures, letters and hand crafted gifts from your child. (You'll have many invites to come meet them too!) Just scroll over the picture to learn the child's name and age and we'll fill you in on the rest after you've chosen! There are more children on the way as well! Blessings!!!

Dielom Altine 16 yrs

Clifford Simeon 13 yrs

Hendy Simeon 6 yrs