Friday, September 13, 2013


If 80% of Haitians live off LESS  than $2 a day
and 60% live on LESS  than $1 a day
and 70% of people have "typical" jobs...
I'd like to know HOW do they do it?

I have lived in Haiti long enough to know that I could not do it, much less have as much joy and NOT complain every second that I was awake.

The women in our community have been in our Bible and business classes for approximately 7-9 months now and we NEVER hear them complain about their situations. Yes, they do occasionally let me know when there is absolutely NO food left in their homes, when they are being forced out by landlords for over due rent, and when their children are sick but I do not see that as a complaint. Our families do not beg for money and they will not ask you for "one dollar" when you come to visit. They have more dignity than that and know that God is the one who provides.

The objective in this ministry has been to build a depot to make a central hub for these women to work from our own community so that they could care for their children and have a safe profitable business. We have high expectations for what the depot can do to help the surrounding area and be able to reach more people for Christ.
Jesus said, "Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, saying, 'This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.'".Luke 14:28
The depot will be a great thing... when its a thing. Right now though, we are staring poverty in the face; watching children's stomachs grow with parasites, hair turn yellow and the women not know where to turn for help. The local missionary clinic is only $1.19  to be seen by a doctor and get medicine to help but yet these families aren't able to go.

EHM wants families to be healthy but we learned we were going about it all wrong. Asking for monthly sponsors for the moms is  a great thing and DOES help families! We set a sponsorship goal at $130 a month and had much success until we realized it wasn't helping long term! When the food didn't last or the money ran out... they were no better than they were before the gift. And they were looking to us (people in general) for that next hand out and provision. So, when we had a woman want to give 12 months worth we were ready to make a change. We proposed to her the plan... invest $100 into a business and $30 into food, which was a sack of rice and whatever else they could barter for. IT WAS A GOD IDEA! She joyfully agreed and we were on our way to make a difference. With 6 months up front we made our list, did interviews and invested into 6 new jobs. The women work the "market days" which are 2-3 days a week selling the items of their choice. Instead of spending their entire day's income on food they were able to go home to 55 lbs of rice and get ahead for the 1st time in a long time! 3 other days of the week are our program which happen to be the opposite days of the market and the last day is Sunday, the Lord's Day!

Edeline selling shoes
"She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks." Proverbs 31:17
It is working out perfectly. Each mom has told us how much it has helped and how OVER JOYED they are to be able to work!  We have our next list of moms eager to begin working whenever the Lord provides and we know He will!

Milene selling containers

We are still waiting for God to move on the Depot idea since we know it was His idea too, but we know His timing is perfect! We are teaching sewing, crocheting and each team comes with a new trade for the women so that they learn how to work with
their hands which could lead to more job opportunities.
"Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate" Proverbs 31:31
Assefie selling fried food
An ending note... with Biblical classes we teach to tithe and give back to the Kingdom. Each family is encouraged to give to their home church and back into EHM. They give weekly to the feeding program to be a part of serving each other and the new families that show up every week! They are a part of this ministry as much as we and you are! New outreaches will begin with cooking, serving and preaching the gospel to the poor in the streets as a team beginning in Nov 2013!
"She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy." Proverbs 31:20
Thank you for being a part of the moving of God in Haiti!