Wednesday, June 4, 2014

CHOSEN '14-'15

Here they are! The next generation of CHOSEN CHILDREN!! $300 blesses your CHOSEN CHILD with a year of tuition at Bon Berger Christian Academy, books, exams, shoes and handmade custom fit uniform which are needed to attend school in Haiti. We are so excited to see this generation rise up and be educated~ they will change Haiti one mind at a time. We also receive donation drives for school supplies all year long so if you would like information and our list of needs please let us know! You can send a back pack for your child separately if you would like to! Please join with us and send your tax deductible donation to Paypal @ or mail your check to EHM P.O. Box 4142 Chesterfield, MO. 63006. You can make payments as you need or pay in full as long as its all completed by Aug 15th.You will get updates all year long with pictures, letters and hand crafted gifts from your child. (You'll have many invites to come meet them too!) Just scroll over the picture to learn the child's name and age and we'll fill you in on the rest after you've chosen! There are more children on the way as well! Blessings!!!

Dielom Altine 16 yrs

Clifford Simeon 13 yrs

Hendy Simeon 6 yrs