Saturday, December 27, 2014

FREEDOM and soup?

FREEDOM! As Mel Gibson rides off on his stallion into the battle I am thankful for that yell of victory and the movie! So classic!

 I love freedom... freedom of the press, freedom of speech and freedom from sin, hell and death. I am thankful for the soldiers who have, are and will fight so that I, as an American will continue to be free. I am more thankful for Christ for dying so that I could know what freedom truly is. We don't have to fight for that freedom... just receive it.
Haiti fought long and hard to find their freedom from slavery back before 1804. Slavery was forced onto every Indian who existed here before Christopher Columbus discovered the land and every black person who survived the slave trade and made it over on a boat. Haiti had many freedom fighters who stood up to take control and they gained VICTORY on January 1, 1804 and became the FIRST black republic to have Independence! Dessalines, who had commanded the black and the mulatto forces during the final phase of the revolution, became the new country's leader and led them into the final victory. This isn't a history lesson though, this is a present and future lesson!
Before receiving their freedom slaves were not allowed to eat soup! Can you imagine our leaders saying we couldn't eat pizza or chick-fil-a? Well Pumpkin soup (Soup Joumou) was a "rich man's" food so when they defeated their enemies every man, woman and child feasted on pumpkin soup to show that all men are created equal and that freedom is theirs. 
For our 2nd year in a row a family of friends and supporters of EHM sponsored a Christmas dinner for the average 140 people that we serve in Montrouis, and what better way to celebrate than with pumpkin soup! We stop and thank the warriors who fought all the wars and battles in the 1700s for giving Haitians their freedom but we get to celebrate and reflect on Christmas that Christ gave us true freedom in Him because of His blood.  Please take a look at the pictures and just take a moment where you are to thank God for your freedom and pray for the people all over the world who are not free; Sex slaves, children slaves, slaves to sin, slaves in their marriage, slaves in their own homes and slaves to their own selves.
 "From Jesus Christ- the faithful witness, the first born from among the dead, the ruler over the kings of the earth. To the one who loves us and has set us free from our sins at the cost of his own blood and has appointed us as a kingdom, as priests serving his God and Father- to him be the glory and the power for ever and ever! Amen"
 Revelation 1:5

John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed


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