- Tap Taps are public transportation and not safe. Up to 30 people on the back of a pick up truck with a driver who most likely does not have a real license and probably did not read the drivers manual
- Motorcycles are plan B form of transportation in Haiti. You can see up to 4 people on each moto and the doctors say taking care of injured people from moto accidents is 90% of their day
- Our ministry is 15 miles and takes us 45-60 minutes each way via tap taps
And they will still stop to get more people! - Our teams (like you soon) need safe and reliable modes of transportation
- Only one-fourth of births are attended by a skilled health professional. If women get to deliver in a hospital they have to leave within 24 hours and some ride tap tap's home!
- Taking truck loads of sick and injured to the missionary clinics in surrounding areas
- Getting babies born in clean environments in time for their arrival and then back home!
- Providing SAFE and sanitary transportation for American teams and the on site missionaries
With the help of some friends we were able to pack this truck FULL of supplies that have been donated including hundreds of gallons of Gatorade, 300 pounds of MEDICAL peanut butter, gallons of hand sanitizer, school supplies for the "Next Generation" and many more items that friends like you have given. We need this vehicle ASAP!
As of right now this is how we need your partnership in PRAYER:
- Thank the Lord for this family who gave and that they are BLESSED in it
- The Monarch Shipping Company is down a boat which leaves them with only ONE going to and from Haiti and Florida. We need to pray that they get their one from the coast guard and are able to get one that they have been trying to rent to make things faster
- They have quoted us 6-8 weeks which puts us now at 4-6
- We have a team coming Sept 19th who will need this vehicle to get to and from the ministry and give out the school supplies for school which starts on Oct 1st
- The peanut butter is going to help many of the mal-nutritioned families in our community and we don't want it going bad!
- Pray that Angels protect our vehicle from getting raided and stolen from
300 lbs Medical Peanut Butter |
We have made many easy ways to make tax deductible donations: "Truck" in the memo
PayPal: Empoweringhaitianmoms@gmail.com
Website: Empoweringhaitianmoms.org and click the "DONATE" button
and our
P.O. Box 4142
Chesterfield MO 63006
Will you join with us in this project and help us help Haiti!